2001 GE 1.5T EXCITE HDXT Mobile MRI [EQ-029619]
2001 GE 1.5T EXCITE HDXT Mobile MRI (EQ-029619)
CXK4 Magnet, Upgraded 2009, 16x Software, 8ch RF, HP8400 Computer, HFD Gradients, RFS Cabinet, EPI, FGE, CINE, FSE & FLAIR, TOF, PC & VI, Spec/PROBE, SGD_Echospeed, DW EPI, FLAIR EPI, Special, SmartPrep, SSFSE, 3 Plane Loc, Modality Worklist, E3DTOF, FSE_XL, Bloodsupp, Fastcine, Tagging, Sgdperf, iDrive, iDrive Pro, iDrive Pro Plus, SmartPrep 2000 Up, Probe 2000 Up, Functool 2, Voxtool, IVI, Clariview, PPS, Ultra short TR, T1 & T2 Breathhold, SSFSE MRCP, Flouro Trig MRA, MRCP3, ACGD Plus, Dynamic R1, Fiesta 2D, Fiesta 3D, Asset, ProbePRESS, Diffusion Tensor, 3D FRFSE, Asset Plus, TRICKS, Fiesta-c, Breast 2, Propeller DWI, 3D FS Fiesta, Propeller T2, 2D Fat Sat Fiesta, 8 Ch System, Lava, FibreTrack, Flair 3D, Multi-PhaseVD, BF and VM, 2D Merge, Lava-XV, Bravo, Cosmic, HDx key, 3D Dual Echo, ARC, Cube T2, LAVA DE ; Coils Include: 8ch Head, 8ch CTL, 8ch Body, HD Knee, 8ch NV, 8ch Cardiac, Shoulder (small/large), Quad Knee, GP Flex, Quad Head; Housed in a 2000 Calumet Trailer
- Manufacturer: GE
- Modality: MRI
- Model: Signa
- Year of Manufacture: 2001
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Our Process
Step 1: Project manager oversees the refurb process
Step 2: Cosmetic team sands, primes, and repaints
Step 3: Engineers test, replace parts, then calibrate
Step 4: Warehouse team packs for safe shipping
Step 5: Mechanical engineers install at your facility
Step 6: Engineers finalize calibration and checks
Step 7: Service team provides continuous support
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