– Online Training –
Bloodborne Pathogen Training
Watch bloodborne pathogen training videos and get certified online so that you can become OSHA compliant. Enjoy step-by-step videos to help you successfully learn the basics and best practices of BBP. Fulfills Reptrax and Vendormate requirements needed for healthcare vendor credentialing.
Watch Bloodborne Pathogen Training Videos Online and Become OSHA Compliant.
You will learn:
- Definition of bloodborne pathogens (BBP)
- Which diseases are most commonly referred to under the BBP designation
- Proper use of protective equipment to prevent contact with BBP
- Best practices for effectively cleaning and disinfecting work areas or equipment that have been contaminated with potentially infected materials
- Best practices for the removal and disposal of contaminants, contaminated materials, and used protective equipment
- Best practices for effective handwashing
- Proper follow-up for accidental BBP contact
- What can be expected from employers relative to BBP contact prevention and response
Enjoy immediate access to quality training from the convenience of your own desk so that you can execute your knowledge and excel in your workplace.