Siemens - X-Ray - Multix Rad Room [EQ-017009]

  • Power Supply: 3x 380 V/50 Hz
    High Frequency Generator: Polydoros LX 50 Lite
    Max output power: 50KW, 65KW, 80KW
    Max output voltage: 150 kV
    Max output current: 500 mA
    Output voltage range: 40 to 150 kV
    Output current range: 10 to 500 mA
    Output mAs range: 0,5 to 800 mAs
    Exposure time range: 1ms to 5s
    Rotating Anode x-ray tube: Optilix 150/40/80HC-100
    Max output voltage: 150 kV
    Max output current: 500 mA
    Small focal spot: 0.6 mm
    Big focal spot: 1,0 mm
    Vertical stand: Vertix
    Table: Multix
    Ceiling System: 3D-TOP overhead tube support
    Automatic Exposure Control: Iontomat PL 3 field/ionization chambers
    Remote Control: Desk PL LX touchscreen

  • Manufacturer: Siemens
  • Modality: X-Ray
  • Model: Multix (RAD)


Our Process

Step 1: Project manager oversees the refurb process

Step 2: Cosmetic team sands, primes, and repaints

Step 3: Engineers test, replace parts, then calibrate

Step 4: Warehouse team packs for safe shipping

Step 5: Mechanical engineers install at your facility

Step 6: Engineers finalize calibration and checks

Step 7: Service team provides continuous support

120K Square Ft.
Refurbishment Center

30+ In-House
Staging Bays

Certified Organization

Block Imaging goes above and beyond the call of duty. They are the FIRST company that I call for my imaging needs.
Sue C.
CORE Orthopedics Avera Medical Group
I would recommend Block Imaging to anyone looking to procure refurbished imaging equipment form a company with experience, quality, knowledge and integrity.
Amy G.
Corporate Purchasing Director
Block Imaging has eliminated any fears I've had about using a third party.
Chuck S.
Practice Manager
I tell people all the time that when it comes to the pre-owned imaging market there is only one company I trust and utilize...Block Imaging.
David F.