Philips - Molecular Imaging - Gemini TF 64 PET/CT [EQ-017073]

  • Philips Gemini TF 64 PET/CT
    - Time-of-flight PET performance package 64-slice Brilliance CT system
    - Brilliance workspace Open gantry design Scan control panel, box
    - 70 cm gantry diameter for CT and PET
    - Gantry separation feature
    - 430 lb table capacity
    - Table accessories
    - Preset post processing
    - LYSO PET crystals,4x4x22mm
    - PIXELAR continuous light guide
    - Electronics sampling 25 psec
    - MRC X-ray tube, 8.0 MHU CT

  • Manufacturer: Philips
  • Modality: Molecular Imaging
  • Model: Gemini

120K Square Ft.
Refurbishment Center

30+ In-House
Staging Bays

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Block Imaging goes above and beyond the call of duty. They are the FIRST company that I call for my imaging needs.
Sue C.
CORE Orthopedics Avera Medical Group