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What’s the difference between Cone Beam CT AND CT?
Curious about the differences between Cone Beam CT and CT?
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2008 GE BrightSpeed 16 (EQ-006396)
Performix Plus LB tube, 6.3 MHU
Tube DOM: 2017
Unknown Tube usage: Tube installed March 2023
Xtream Console
Smart Prep, Smart Speed, Direct 3D, 3000 Image Series, AutomA, Helical Tilt, Patient 16 slice, MPR, 3D, CopyComposer
2007 GE BrightSpeed 16 Slice Select (EQ-021666)
3.5 MHU Tube replaced June 2023
Xtream Console
VolumeViewer, Connect Pro, SmartPrep, Helical Tilt, AutomA, Patient 16 Slice, 3000 Image Series, Direct 3D, Direct MPR, Data Export, CopyComposer, Helical 120 Sec, Lite Power 350
2006 GE LightSpeed VCT 64 (EQ-003134)
2021 Performix VCT Plus tube, 15k patients scanned
ASIR, VolumeViewer,, Patient-64-slice, SmartScore Pro, Connect Pro, Sub-0.4-Second-Scan, CardIQ SnapShot
VCT-Hi-Power, EKG Viewer, SmartStep, NoiseReductionFilter
SmartPrep, Direct-MPR, Data Export, 3000 Image Series
AutomA, CopyComposer
2015 GE Optima 540 (EQ-021620)
2021 tube with 160,000 scan seconds
2017 Revolution HD (EQ-022594)
Includes Smart MAR, ASIR V, CardIQ Xpress, Hi Resolution, Snapshot Freeze, Low Dose 5 beat package, Volume Shutle, Volume Helical Shuttle, SmartView Fluoro, Vessel IQ Xpress, CT Perfusion, Lung VCAR, DentaScan
2017 GE Revolution EVO (EQ-023604)
35m mAs on 2023 tube,
ASIR, 75 KVA, Patient 64 Slice, Smart Step, CT Perfusion, Image Check, DentaScan, Axial Shutttle,m MAR, Direct MPR, DataExport, SmartPrep, AutomA, 3000 Image Series, Copy Composer, Helical 120 Sec, Cine 120 Sec, Dynamic Transition, Organ Dose Modutlation, Ultra Kernel, High Pitch Helical .53, VolumeViewer, Edge Plus Kernel, XT Display One Stop Scanning
2018 GE Revolution Frontier (EQ-006193)
Scan/sec : 1,019,587.4
Tube mAs : 286,824,098.5
Direct-MPR, Smart Prep, AutomA, Xtream Recon
NeuroFilter, Image Check, High Pitch Helical - 1.53
mA Profile, CopyComposer, AWE connection, AutoFilter-and-Transfer, VCT-Hi-Power, Patient-64-slice, ASiR-V, 3000 Image Series
Dynamic Z-axis Tracking, kV_Assist, Organ Dose Modulation, Data Export, Dynamic Transition, Connect Pro, Exam Split, Sub-0.4-Second-Scan
NoiseReductionFilter, VolumeViewer, AutoBone_Xpress, SmartScore Pro, CardIQ SnapShot, Edge Plus Kernel, High Resolution CardIQSnapShot-Cine
HelicalShuttle, AxialShuttle, EKG Viewer, SnapShot Assist, Overlapped Recon – Axial, HD_Smart MAR, SnapShotAssist Temporal Enhance
Liquid-0.35-Routine, XtDisplay-ECGWave, XtDisplay-OneStopScanning Gemstone Spectral Imaging Pro, GSI SnapShot Pulse, Enhanced Xtream Injector
2013 GE Optima 660 CT (EQ-014251)
Tube installed July 2020
Approx 10,000 patients on tube
Saturn Detector
Overlappped REcon Axial, CT Perfusion 4D, AVA Express, High Pitch Helical 1.53, Image Check, XTDisplay One Stop Scanning,
SmartSpeed, 0.4 Speed, Sub 0.4 sec Scan, Patient 64, Smart Prep, Direct MPR, AutomA, Data Export, Copy Composer, ASIR, 3000 Image Series, 100KVA, Connect Pro, VolumeViewer , Exam Split, Dynamic Z Axis Tracking, ASIR
2017 GE Revolution Evo CT 64 (EQ-022476)
Tube replaced Sept 2023
55,000,000 mAs
Merc40 Detectors
Installed Options include:
Patient 64 Sliuce, Direct MPR, Data Export, Smart Prep, AutomA, 3000 Image Series, Copy Composer, 100 KVA, Dynamic X Axis Tracking, Liquid 0.35 Routine, Edge Plus Kernel, Asir V, Axial Shuttle, 0.4 Speed, Image Check, MAR, XTDisplay one stop scanning, Helical 120 sec, Dynamic Transition, ORgan Dose Modulation, High Pitch Helical, VolumeViewer, Cine 120 sec, Connect Pro, SmartStep, DentaScan, CardIQ Xpress REveal, CardIQ Snapshot Cine, SmartScore Pro, ECG Wave, CardEP, CardIQ Snapshot, EKG Viewer, Snapshot assist
2003 GE LightSpeed 16 Slice (EQ-024306)
6.3 MHU Tube with 600 patients scanned
Tube replaced 2022
2008 GE LightSpeed VCT 64 (EQ-024903)
60m mAs, on 2022 tube
Overlapped Recon
SmartScore Pro, Axial Shuttle, Sub .4 recon scan, VCT Hi Power, EKG Viewer, CardIQ Snapshot Cine, Connect Pro, Data Export, ASIR, CardIQ Snapshot, Patient 64 Slice, VCT 85 Power
2013 GE Optima 540 16 Slice (EQ-008306)
2021 Performix tube with Helical Tilt, Power440, AutomA, 3000 Image Series, Smart Speed, Patient 16 Slice, Direct 3D, 90 KVA, Direct MPR, Data Export, Copy Composer, VolumeViewer, SmartScore Pro, AutoBone, NoiseReduction Filter, Adv Vessel Analysis, EKG Viewer, Connect Pro, CardIQ Snapshopt, Dentascan, Enhanced Recon, ASIR
2014 GE Optima 660 CT (EQ-024261)
Tube Replace March 2024 (38m mAs Approx)
Overlapped REcon Axial, SmartCore Pro, CardIQ Snapshot, CardIQ Snapshot Cine, AVA Xpress, EKG Viewer, ECG Wave, Smart Step, Axial Shuttle, ASIR, Patient 64 Slice
2017 GE Revolution Evo CT (EQ-022526)
Tube: Performix 40 Plus/ MX200CT III (2022)
15,000 patients scanned on tube
MERC detector
SW Rev 16HW14.9SP3
Installed Options: Organ Dose Modulation, Ultra Kernel, VolumeViewer, Cine 120 Sec, Connect Pro, 0.4 speed, One Stop Scanning, Image Check, CardIQ Xpress Reveal, MAR, ECG Wave, CARD IQ Snapshot, CardEP, Noise Reduction filter, SmartScore Pro, EKG Viewer, SmartStep, DentaScan, CardIQ Snapshot Cine, Snapshot Assist, SnapShot Assist Temporal Enhance, ASIR, Liquid 0.35 routine, Edge Plus Kernel
2015 GE Optima 660 (EQ-014240)
Performix 40 plus tube (2018)
Unknow usage
Merc 40 Detector
Patient 64 Slice, Direct MPR, Data Export, Smart PRep, AutomA, 3000 Image Series, Copy Composer, Smart Speed, ASIR, Sub 0.4 second Scan, 100 KVA, Helical 120 sec, Dynamic Transition, Overlapped Recon Axial, Organ Dose Modulation, Ultra Kernel, Image Check, VolumeViewer, XT Display ECG Wave, SmartScore Pro, EKG Viewer, Noise Reduction Filter, CardIQ Snapshot Cine, SmartStep, Helical Shuttle, Axial Shuttle, Denta Scan
2018 Siemens go.Now (EQ-006057)
360,000 scan seconds on tube as of August 2023
32 Slice Recon
Speed 10, Power Standard, Recon Iterative Step2, Extended FOV,
CT Viewer, Plugin Bone Removal, Plugin Vascular, Autoregion, Onco,
Range_Spine, Speed 08, iMAR, Neuro, OncoLungCad
2012 Siemens Perspective 128 Slice (EQ-000845)
347,000 scan seconds on tube (255,000 scan seconds within eMode)
Dura 688 MV Tube
Cap3D Filter SSD, MIP, Main, VOIMODE, VRT, Editor, Bone Removal
Cardio Pro, Cardio Retro, Cardio Bestphase Finding, Cardio Bestmode
Volume Workflow, RTD, Remote Desktop, Scan Autoregion, Biopsy
Get Worklist, Dental, Bolus Track, Osteo, CA Score, Care Dose,
Recon Iterative, MR Support, Perspective, Highspeed 0.48/0.6, Recon Plus P68,
Cardio trim, Eco Mode, Gantry Lighting Recon Slice 06mm, Recon Indicator 128
2008 Siemens Definition AS 128 (EQ-013056)
Straton MX Replaced Nov 11, 2015, 520,000 scan seconds
CT App: Main, Filter VCT, Filter MIp, CVF PhaseViewer, VPCT Neuro,
UHR 03, Max Speed, Max Power, Cardio Best Phase Finding, Cardio Pro, Cardio Retro, Dental, Bolus Track, Osteo, , CA Score, Care Dose, Syngo General License, Extended FOV,
Definition AS, 128 Slice
2005 Toshiba Aquilion 16 (EQ-010890)
2015 MegaCool 7.5 MHU X-ray Tube 348,909 scan secs
Dual 18 Inch Flat Panel LCD Monitors
450 lbs. Patient Load Capacity
Quantitative Analysis, Real Exposure Control Dose Reductions, VoiceLink, RASP, APMC, Vari-area, ALATO 3DViewer, ALATO Flythrough, ALATO Dental, 16-Slice
2014 Toshiba Aquilion ONE (320 Slice) (EQ-024355)
85,000 scan seconds on tube
Tube installed in 2023
Base Software Version: V11.0SP0006
Application Software Version: V8.9SP9004
2008 Philips Brilliance 16 Big Bore (EQ-002312)
MRC 800 8.0 MHU X-ray Tube
Tube Count unknown
Air Cooled
60 kW Generator
ScanTools, ScanTools Pro,
Bolus Tracking, DoseRight, Pediatric Protocols,
3D Small Volume Analysis, Logical Guided Flow GUI
Use this step-by-step guide to successfully decide on the best CT Scanner for your facility.
Apr 5, 2024 by Paul Crawford
Curious about the differences between Cone Beam CT and CT?
You've come to the right place!
In this guide, we delve into...
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