OrthoScan - C-Arm - C-Arm [EQ-016868]

  • 6” Image Intensifier
    Dual mode II
    USB Port
    DICOM 3.0 compliant
    Internal Storage
    30 fps
    Flat Screen Monitors
    20” LCD
    2MP resolution
    Dual Reference image hold
    Build in DICOM calibration
    50 micron focal spot
    1k x 1k image intensifier

  • Manufacturer: OrthoScan
  • Modality: C-Arm


Our Process

Step 1: Project manager oversees the refurb process

Step 2: Cosmetic team sands, primes, and repaints

Step 3: Engineers test, replace parts, then calibrate

Step 4: Warehouse team packs for safe shipping

Step 5: Mechanical engineers install at your facility

Step 6: Engineers finalize calibration and checks

Step 7: Service team provides continuous support

120K Square Ft.
Refurbishment Center

30+ In-House
Staging Bays

Certified Organization

Block Imaging goes above and beyond the call of duty. They are the FIRST company that I call for my imaging needs.
Sue C.
CORE Orthopedics Avera Medical Group
I would recommend Block Imaging to anyone looking to procure refurbished imaging equipment form a company with experience, quality, knowledge and integrity.
Amy G.
Corporate Purchasing Director
Block Imaging has eliminated any fears I've had about using a third party.
Chuck S.
Practice Manager
I tell people all the time that when it comes to the pre-owned imaging market there is only one company I trust and utilize...Block Imaging.
David F.