September 29, 2020 : 1 min read
Solve Erratic OEC 9900 Lift Movements with These Two Parts
Are you standing in front of an OEC 9900 C-arm whose central column moves up... when no one is pushing the button? Before you call the Ghostbusters or start searching the building for David Blaine, there are two components our service team has identified time and again as the culprits behind this kind of problem. We'll identify the two parts whose failure can lead to erratic C-arm column movement below, with their part numbers, as well as share what you might expect to pay to get replacements on their way to your site.
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Failed 9900 parts that Cause Column Lift Problems
In the course of providing service and equipment refurbishment to thousands of C-arm systems, our engineers have come across just about every conceivable issue, error, and failure imaginable- including erratic, "phantom" movements of the central column. When this happens, the problem is usually fixed by replacing one (or both) of the components pictured below. These parts are widely available on the secondary market. The prices listed here are current averages among third-party parts suppliers.
• Cable Lift Center, 00-879401-01: $75 - $125
• Vertical Lift Column Power Supply, 00-901177-01: $500 - $600
Requesting Service
Unfortunately, unlike some simpler repairs, the replacement of these parts is not a procedure we recommend anyone try unless they have C-arm service training. Fortunately, the popularity of OEC C-arms means qualified engineers are plentiful. In addition to supplying the parts you'll need, the Block Imaging Service Team can dispatch an engineer with parts in hand to confirm the diagnosis, perform the repair, and check your system over for any other issues that may have contributed to the column lift failure. Our time and materials service line can be reached at 877-733-7142.
The Takeaway
When your C-arm's vertical column seems to get a mind of its own, it's a safe bet that you'll be replacing the cable and power supply mentioned here. The good news is that you already know where you can get parts and about how much you'll spend to get them. To order these and other C-arm parts, or to contact service personnel to perform your repairs, use the buttons below to tell us how we can help.

Chad Seelye
Chad Seelye is Vice President of Part Sales for Block Imaging. He loves to offer parts solutions that get customers excited about doing more with their equipment for less. Outside of work, he loves to explore new areas with his wife. It doesn't matter where they are, as long as they've never been there before. Chad also loves all things MSU basketball and football.