September 16, 2024 : 2 min read
Section 179 Record High Tax Deduction for Capital Equipment in 2024
After navigating years of fluctuating deduction limits, shifting value rates, and unexpected retroactive measures, we're excited to share some great news: 2024 has brought a welcome trend continuation for the Section 179 tax deduction on capital equipment.
In this blog, we'll cover the details of this record-breaking year, helping you understand what to expect and how to maximize your savings through Section 179.
Section 179 in 2024
Over the past few years, Section 179 has been a subject of constant change in the world of tax deductions. Deduction limits seemed to dance up and down, often accompanied by shifting value rates and the specter of retroactive measures that would alter the tax landscape for the following calendar year.
However, in 2024, there's a glimmer of hope and a hint of stability in the Section 179 arena. For the fourth consecutive year, the deduction limit has seen an increase, promising a more predictable environment for individuals planning a capital equipment purchase.
Here's the situation this year:
For 2024, the maximum amount a business can deduct for equipment purchases is $1,220,000.
Note: You must purchase and have your equipment in service by EOD December 31, 2024, to qualify for a full deduction.
The spending cap for 2024 has increased to $3,050,000, the highest yet. Once you exceed this cap, the deduction decreases dollar-for-dollar.
For example, if you purchase equipment costing $3,060,000, which is $10,000 over the threshold, the deductible would be reduced to $1,210,000. For every additional dollar spent beyond the cap, the deduction decreases correspondingly. This leaves a final deduction of $1,210,000.
For 2024, the Bonus Depreciation rate is 60%, which applies after the spending cap of $3,050,000 is reached. This is available for both new and used equipment, allowing larger businesses to enjoy significant tax relief.
Why Should I Use Section 179 in 2024?
In the final stretch of 2024, you might be wondering what the rush is all about when it comes to capital equipment purchases.
To put it simply, the deduction has reached its highest point ever, and if you are looking for equipment on the secondary market, the limits easily fit within the pricing of most items you might consider.
While Section 179 probably isn't going away in 2025, there's no guarantee what it will look like.
How to Calculate Your Savings
So, how can you calculate the savings that Section 179 can bring your way in 2023?
Section 179 features a calculator tool for figuring out how much you can save on an equipment purchase in 2024 when you take advantage of the deduction. If you're considering a major purchase in the near future, we suggest you check it out.
Below is an example screenshot of an equipment purchase of $750,000. Click on the image if you'd like to visit the calculator and see your own results.
The Takeaway
In the world of tax deductions for capital equipment, 2024 is a standout year.
If you're a small or mid-sized business seeking equipment, Section 179 is in place to help you save thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of dollars on your purchase.
And don't forget, Block Imaging is ready to help with equipment, project management, installation, and ongoing service. Call 517-688-8800 or submit a contact us form here.

Matt Benivegna
Matt Benivegna is an Account Executive at Block Imaging. His goal is to bring great value to equipment, parts, and service clients for C-Arms in the Southwest US. When he’s not serving customers, Matt enjoys skiing, kayaking, golfing, and traveling.