The Philips Gemini PET/CT line is now three generations deep. From the Gemini Dual and 16 Power, to the Gemini GXL, to the Gemini TF, Philips has been improving the image quality and detection accuracy of their PET/CT equipment every few years. Sometimes these changes come quickly enough that, unless you keep your ear to the ground on all things tech, a new iteration can be easy to miss.
Since we know many of you are too busy serving patients, building practices, and managing imaging departments to monitor the equipment industry, we've done the legwork of comparing the last two Philips PET/CT models to emerge on the secondary market for you. Below, find a comparison of the Gemini GXL and the Gemini TF. You'll learn what they share, how they differ, and where each shines.
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Gemini GXL & Gemini TF Comparison
What's the same?
• Both the Gemini GXL and the Gemini TF are available with Brilliance 6 and 16 scanners as the CT portion of the scanner.
• Both models use the long-lasting MRC 600 X-ray tube. We've seen as many as 1.6 million scan seconds on some of these.
• For maintenance purposes, CT parts are interchangeable between these models.
What's different?
• The Gemini TF has time of flight technology
• In addition to the Brilliance 6 and 16 CTs, Gemini TF systems can come with the Brilliance 64 as well.
• The Gemini GXL uses gadolinium-based GSO detectors while the TF has lutetium-based LYSO detectors, which have become the industry standard across major OEMs. LYSO detectors offer a resolution and clarity advantage over GSO.
Where the Gemini GXL Wins
While the Gemini GXL is a good PET/CT system that can produce quality images and is known for reliability, the Gemini TF is an even better one in almost every way. About the only advantage the GXL has is that it costs less to purchase than a TF (about $40,000 less to an end user). Service costs and installation/logistics costs are about the same.
Where the Gemini TF Wins
The Gemini TF's biggest advantage is right in its name: TF stands for TruFlight, Philip's proprietary moniker for time of flight (TOF) technology. The GXL and most other PET/CT scanners calculate the location of a positron annihilation event by calculating how much energy a photon has lost and, thereby, how far it has traveled from the event. Time of flight systems add to the algorithm the actual time difference between the arrival of the photons at the detector. This improves the system's accuracy in locating targeted masses. Users of the system also claim that time of flight also allows for the use of lower doses and the detection of smaller lesions. This is a highly-sought feature in PET/CT scanning and Philips was the first to bring it to market. Other OEMs now have time of flight systems in production, but only Philips has had it available long enough for units that have the feature to come onto the secondary market.
Learn more about time of flight PET/CT imaging
NOTE: Not all Gemini TFs have time of flight. There was a brief period during which the feature was an option. It’s important to make sure any TF system you're considering has it if this important to your decision.
DuWayne Miller, President of A&E Imaging, explains that the Gemini TF systems carry several other hardware advantages as well. "The LYSO detectors have higher sensitivity levels and reset faster, allowing them to 'see' more events. The electronics on the TF are also faster than those of the Gemini GXL."
The Takeaway
In the case of the Gemini GXL versus the Gemini TF, there's no contest in every consideration outside of cost. The TF improves technically and functionally on the GXL in every way and represents a strong step forward for Philips as a manufacturer of PET/CT products.
In the case of finding a PET/CT scanner with time of flight capabilities on the secondary market that isn't from Philips, you're likely to be waiting for quite some time. Fortunately, the Gemini TF is here already, providing more accurate detection than its predecessors at the substantial savings only used equipment can offer.
If you'd like to know more about about the Gemini TF or get a quote on one, our team is ready to help with that. Use the banner below to tell us your needs.

Josh Nunez
Josh Nunez is the Director of Product Management at Block Imaging. Josh is energized by developing an understanding of each customer's unique imaging needs and overcoming the challenge of helping find them the perfect equipment match. When he is not providing PET/CT solutions he enjoys traveling, soccer, and spending time with his wife and five kids.