The two most recent additions to the Orthoscan mini C-arm product line, the Orthoscan HD1000 and the Orthoscan FD, are practically identical. The list of things they have in common is far too long to share here so, in the interest of everyone's time, we'll share with you below the rather short list of things (2) that set these two mini C-arm models apart from one another.
Orthoscan Mini-C Comparison
Image Intensifier vs. Flat Panel Digital Detector
This is the most obvious difference. It's also the difference that the other difference stems from- but we'll get to that in a minute.
The Orthoscan HD1000 is an analog system that uses an image intensifier (II) as its X-ray receptor. This technology is older and can't attain the level of resolution that a digital detector can, but it is still reliable and, as digital C-arms continue through their early adoption phase, still the standard.
The Orthoscan FD is a digital system with a flat panel detector. As you just read, digital systems can provide images at higher resolution than analog (2k x 1.5k vs. 1k x 1k). This clarity and crispness is the advantage of choosing an FD over an HD1000.
System Cost
The cost difference between these two models is a direct product of the "II versus flat panel detector" matter. What we've seen in other modalities as they transition from analog to digital technologies holds true for C-arms as well: you don't get higher resolution for free. On average, an Orthoscan FD costs at least 20% more than an HD1000.
The Takeaway
Beyond the "II versus flat panel detector" discussion, the Orthoscan HD1000 and the Orthoscan FD are pretty much identical. Their monitors, their interfaces, their generators- all the same. Because this high degree of similarity exists alongside the compelling reality of high digital resolution, our verdict is this:
If you have room in your budget, you won't regret having the image quality advantage of the flat panel detector technology found on the FD. If your budget requires you to be a little more frugal, the lower cost and continued reliability of an II-based system like the HD1000 may be a better fit at your facility.
If you have more questions about Orthoscan mini C-arms or mini C models, we're ready to help with those too. Use the button below to tell us what you need and start the conversation.

Jordan Schneider
Jordan Schneider is the Project Management Team Lead at Block Imaging. His goal is to help navigate the pitfalls of complex projects for the smoothest installations necessary. When he’s not tackling logistics, Jordan enjoys camping, fishing, and tinkering with anything mechanical.