O-Arm E-Stop Won't Reset? Here's An Easy Fix.

Ever struggled getting O-arm system's E-Stop to reset? We've been there. And the good news is that it's usually an easy fix. In 99% of cases, the problem is caused by the external pendant jumper. This guide will show you how to identify and fix this issue in five minutes or less.


1. Identify the Problem

2. Locate the Pendant Jumper

3. Secure the Pendant Jumper

4. Reset the E-Stop



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1. Identify the Problem

When the E-Stop cannot be reset, the most likely culprit is the pendant jumper connection. This port is for an external pendant, which is rarely used. If the jumper is not securely plugged in, the E-Stop circuit cannot function correctly.

pendant jumper culprit


2. Locate the Pendant Jumper

Find the pendant jumper on your system. Inspect the jumper connection. In many cases, it may be loose or partially unplugged.

pendant jumper not secure

On an O1 Medtronic O-arm, the pendant jumper is located at the base of the unit.

pendant jumper at the base


3. Secure the Pendant Jumper

Plug the jumper securely into the port and tighten the set screws to ensure it stays in place. This will re-establish the proper connection for the E-Stop circuit.

tighten the set screws


4. Reset the E-Stop

Return to the E-Stop buttons on the workstation.

  • Press the gray button located next to the red button in the top-left corner.
    This should reset the E-Stop, allowing the system to function normally again.

press reset button

successful reset screen

An E-Stop reset issue on an O-arm system is often a simple fix involving the pendant jumper. By ensuring the jumper is securely plugged in and then hitting the reset button, you can quickly resolve the problem and carry on with your work. 



We've got you covered.

If your team doesn't have an in-house biomed or clinical engineer, our service team is ready to dispatch qualified personnel to reset your E-Stop reset issue or see to any other service needs you have.

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Picture of Dave Yoder

Dave Yoder

Hi, I'm Dave! I joined Block Imaging in 2021. My job is to refurbish, repair, and provide service on a variety of equipment; including C-arms, O-arms, Cath Labs, and MAC Labs. I like to troubleshoot problems and find solutions to ensure the safe functionality of these units. I get to work with a fantastic team and love being a part of creating solutions that increase patient's quality of life all over the world! Outside of work, I enjoy spending time on the four B's: Bourbon, Baseball, Bowhunting, and playing the Bass.