Dave Yoder

Hi, I'm Dave! I joined Block Imaging in 2021. My job is to refurbish, repair, and provide service on a variety of equipment; including C-arms, O-arms, Cath Labs, and MAC Labs. I like to troubleshoot problems and find solutions to ensure the safe functionality of these units. I get to work with a fantastic team and love being a part of creating solutions that increase patient's quality of life all over the world! Outside of work, I enjoy spending time on the four B's: Bourbon, Baseball, Bowhunting, and playing the Bass.

4 Most Common O-Arm Problems Solved

Nothing is more frustrating that having to pause your imaging workflow to find a solution to an equipment issue. We've compiled the fixes for the four most common problems that you run into when working with Medtronic O-arms to help you get these systems back up and running in no time.

O-arm Door Won't Open? Here's a Quick Fix.

What do you do when your O-arm door is stuck in the closed position? While many people...

O-Arm E-Stop Won't Reset? Here's An Easy Fix.

Ever struggled getting O-arm system's E-Stop to reset? We've been there. And the good news is that...

Using A Medtronic O-Arm with a Broken Hand Switch

A common issue with O1 and O2 O-arm systems is a hand switch failure during a case. You press the...